Support Your Library

Donate directly to your local branch or through the Sonoma County Library Foundation.

Since its formation in 1986, the Sonoma County Library Foundation has been a vocal advocate for the Sonoma County Library, raising funds to enhance, expand, and ensure equitable access to Sonoma County Library resources and services. An independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, all gifts made to the Foundation are for the exclusive benefit of the Sonoma County Library. Visit the website to learn more about the Foundation, sign up for the SCLF Newsletter, or donate to support the Sonoma County Library system. For those interested in including the library in their estate planning, the Foundation has established the David Sabsay Legacy Society.

Contact for more information about library fundraising activities.

If you would like to donate materials for the library's collection, please speak with staff at your local library.

At times, the library accepts book donations on behalf of the Friends of the Library. These donations may be used by the Friends of the Library for book sales that raise money to support the library. Please call your local library to find out if donations are currently being accepted.

Please do not leave donations in the library book drops.

Donate image