Economic Impacts of Sonoma County Library

Your Library's Impact

An economic impact study performed by Economic Forensics and Analytics, an independent research and consulting firm located in Sonoma County, found that for every dollar invested in the library, the community receives $3.82 back, a 382% return on investment!

The report demonstrates that Sonoma County Library generates business revenues and social benefits through spending on library operations, capital improvements, and social benefits. When the estimated market value of collections (our books, movies, digital resources, and other materials) is added to economic impacts, the annual benefit works out to $3.82 per tax dollar spent.

Whether attending a library event, checking out a movie, listening to an audiobook, or printing your resume, the library is here to support you, and in turn, our local economy here in Sonoma County. We're here for you!

Explore the report here.

Economic Impact