Enviado por edawson el Dom, 30/04/2023 - 16:24

BiblioBus Request Form

Bring The Sonoma County Library
BiblioBus To Your Event/Site!

The Sonoma County Library’s BiblioBus can provide library services and interactive activities to your event or community site. Complete the request form below to bring the BiblioBus to your neighborhood.

Parking Requirements: To request this service please make sure your site can accommodate parking for this vehicle. This bus is 29 feet long with ramp extended, 8 feet wide and 9.5 feet tall. Library Services can be provided indoors or outdoors (weather permitting) at a designated space.

Email bibliobus@sonomalibrary.org with questions or to reserve your visit from the BiblioBus.

Reservation requests should be made at least 3 weeks in advance. We cannot guarantee that we can fulfill your request. Please expect a response within five business days.

BiblioBus image


Interested in recurring Library Services? How often?

Service Location

Parking and Setup

This event/location has:
Type of BiblioBus visit requested
Estimated age of potential BiblioBus users

Contact Information

Please provide as much detail as possible. The Sonoma County Library will do its best to accommodate but cannot guarantee special request services.